Pineapple and Its Ayurvedic Treatments

Pineapple, originally from Brazil, was introduced to Europe by Columbus. The tree, resembling kewra leaves, grows in fields and along roads. Pineapple, with yellow and red hues, is known for its delicious taste, but caution is needed as its core is harmful. Pregnant women should avoid it due to potential risks.


Pineapple juice has choleretic and anthelmintic properties, benefiting the heart and treating stomach issues, spleen enlargement, and jaundice. When consumed with cumin, salt, and sugar, pineapple becomes a tasty and healthful treat. Its juice, rich in chlorine, stimulates the urinary bladder, promoting toxin elimination and reducing body swelling. The enzyme ‘Brasmelin’ aids digestion, akin to human pepsin.

Harmful Effects

Consuming pineapple on an empty stomach is harmful, akin to poison. Pregnant women should avoid it, as it can induce abortion in large quantities. The hard core should be removed due to its harmful nature.

Treatment of Various Diseases

1. Indigestion

Eating ripe pineapple with rock salt and black pepper alleviates indigestion.

Mix grapes, rock salt, and pineapple juice to cure indigestion.

Pineapple juice in cases of post-meal bloating is beneficial.

2. Hair in the Stomach

Ripe pineapple eases stomach pain caused by ingested hair.

Pineapple with black pepper and rock salt helps dissolve ingested objects.

3. Polyuria (Frequent Urination)

Eating ripe pineapple with black pepper and sugar.

Pineapple pieces with pepper powder help in polyuria.

Pineapple juice with cumin, nutmeg, and black pepper helps in polyuria.

4. Swelling

Daily pineapple consumption with a milk-only diet reduces swelling.

Applying castor oil on pineapple leaves and tying it to the swelling reduces swelling, especially in the feet.

Pineapple juice intake and a milk-only diet eliminate swelling due to liver enlargement.

5. Strengthener

Pineapple removes nervousness, reduces thirst, and refreshes, providing strength to the body, heart, and mind.

Pineapple helps in obesity reduction and quenches thirst, making it beneficial in stones.

6. Pimples

Applying pineapple pulp on pimples is beneficial.

7. Disorders

Pineapple helps in acidity and anemia.

Pineapple juice consumption improves memory power.

Pineapple is beneficial in cough, respiratory diseases, and diabetes.

8. In Stomach Diseases

Pineapple mixed with asafoetida, rock salt, and ginger juice provides relief in colic and gout.

Powder of Yavakshar, Peepal, and turmeric with pineapple juice helps in spleen, stomach, and gallbladder issues.

9. Ascites (Excess Water in Stomach)

Powder of Baheda and small myrobalan in pineapple leaf decoction aids in diarrhea and urine clearance, providing relief in ascites.

10. Jaundice

Consuming ripe pineapple juice with turmeric powder and sugar candy is beneficial.

11. Menstrual Issues

Raw pineapple juice with Peepal bark powder and jaggery relieves menstrual obstruction.

Decoction of pineapple leaves helps in menstrual obstruction.

This versatile fruit offers a range of health benefits, but its consumption requires awareness and moderation, especially in specific health conditions.

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